Guest Post: Why Vanlife?

Guest Post: Why Vanlife?

Kaya Lindsay of One Chick Travels takes us through an internal conversation a lot of us might have when we're dealing with the not-so-glamorous parts of this lifestyle. When you're sick, you might think about how much easier it would be to live in a house and have access to a bathroom. And when you're single, you might wonder what it would be like to have someone with you sharing responsibilities and experiences. So why continue to live in a van through all the hardships?

Guest Post: 10 Differences between Vanlife in Europe v.s. the U.S.

Guest Post: 10 Differences between Vanlife in Europe v.s. the U.S.

When I heard Brittany and Drew of Mr and Mrs Adventure were purchasing a van in England, I was interested in sharing a different perspective. What is it like to travel in a van in Europe vs. the U.S.? Brittany breaks down 10 differences that she and Drew noticed in the past two years living out of a custom-converted Ford Transit van.