Van Life

David Weinstein: The Original Vanlife

David Weinstein: The Original Vanlife

David Weinstein traveled around in an old ugly panel truck back in the late 60s and early 70s. And even though his experiences happened more than 45 years ago, it's not so different than the stories of vanlife today. David remembers his family always telling stories when he was growing up and now that he's older, he felt it was time to share a few stories of his own. Tune into this podcast to hear the story of Big White.

Guest Post: Why Vanlife?

Guest Post: Why Vanlife?

Kaya Lindsay of One Chick Travels takes us through an internal conversation a lot of us might have when we're dealing with the not-so-glamorous parts of this lifestyle. When you're sick, you might think about how much easier it would be to live in a house and have access to a bathroom. And when you're single, you might wonder what it would be like to have someone with you sharing responsibilities and experiences. So why continue to live in a van through all the hardships?